Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!!!

Hey, everybody who is checking my blog!!! I'm just gonna say "HAPPY MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY!!!" I hope everybody is celebrating.

Comment what your going to celebrate today.

I wrote a speech about Martin Luther King Jr. and memorized it, then, I said it in front of my whole class at school! I asked my teacher to grade it, and she gave me an A-minus. I was so close to getting an A-plus though. So, everybody did a speech. And the speech was worth 40 points. But I got 38 points.


I'm gonna pretty much post once a week so maybe on Sat, Sun, or Mon.


My Speech for Martin Luther King Jr:

Hello, my name is Megan Ortiz. My speech project inspired me because I always wanted to tell everybody how I feel so I can make a difference and make things better. Well, it all started out when I heard this quote from Martin Luther King Jr. : “The time is right to do what is right.” And that reminded me that ever since I was in 1st grade I always wanted to make a difference for the future.

I know that Martin Luther King Jr. was a very noble man because I agree with what he said “The time is right to do what is right” and I know that we can do that too. I have three special things that are important to me and you.

Number 1: I would persuade people to recycle more and concentrate at school. Don’t you want our future to be clean and nice? I think so! I want to be a nice, obedient, and a smart girl! I would support my family and make them proud!

Number 2: I also want to respect my friends and family the same way. I do not have a favorite, I like everyone the same and I treat everybody the same. I felt bad for the people at the time of Martin Luther King Jr’s speech, because the white and black were treated differently. But from now on I’m gonna treat everybody the same way.

Number three: I am gonna change the future into a better place! I know that the time is right, to do what is always truly right. So we should always try to do what we believe is right. I hope everybody will feel the same way as me. Let’s make the world a better place for everybody. I think that is what Martin Luther King Jr. wanted.


  1. I'M SAD!!! I won't post anything unless people comment to my blog, I feel like my blog is nothing to you and your just ignoring it! Especially my daddy! At least 3 people have to post in order for me to post another one. If your not able to post then you would've told me!
    or email me at


  2. Hi Megan.
    That was an awesome speech. Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Love you.


  3. WOW Megan! Your Speech inspired me! You are so gifted and have such wonderful intentions and I know that you CAN and you WILL make a difference in this world sweetie!

    Let me tell you...every single person can make a difference in this world just by putting forth more effort HOWEVER it is people JUST LIKE YOU that make a HUGE difference because you are smart, driven and have very strong convictions that motivate you to DO SOMETHING ABOUT SOMETHING! So keep up your blog EVEN IF NO ONE REPLIES you know why? Because gifted people like you DONT EVER GIVE UP because they are DETERMINED and COMMITTED to making a difference...just like Martin Luther King Jr.

    Think about this...what would have happened if Martin Luther King Jr. would have given up?????? Don't EVER GIVE UP my sweet niece! You DO make a difference! You have made a difference in my life and in many others lives already and you're only ten years old! Keep up the good work! I love you and I loved your speech! It was so inspiring!

  4. Hello Megan, Maca and I are so proud of you, the way you write and everything you do. We are so happy to know that you do your best to make a difference in the world and believe me, you do! You make all of us so happy! You are a good student, a good daughter, a good granddaughter and a good Christian. May you always continue in the ways of the Lord.

  5. Your speech is so inspiring, I am with you and I want to change the future into a better place! I wish that more people could see your speech because everyone needs to hear it. I know that you are going to make a great impact on this world, you are a God gifted world changer!

  6. Thank You all of you! I'm not sad now!
