Monday, May 2, 2011

The Mysterious Pet

This is a funny video that I made and directed! INTRODUCING...... JAMIE LAM!

˿click there


  1. Subtitles:

    Ohh look at that pet Ooo I wanna go buy it Aw one million bucks Oh well I'll give you all my money *DINK* I'm gonna sit on this pet chair (low voice) my pet Heh time to kill it time to kill myself again Ahh Ock

    TEE HEE!

  2. A star is born. Will he win the Oscar?

  3. LOL! you guys & gals are so silly & funny!!!! LOVE the video! WOOP! WOOP!

  4. Jamie Ryan Lam; made that video himself without practicing lines (like we usally do) so we just did it for fun. And IDK why he bought an insane pet that's one million bucks and then he murders it. And I also don't get why he killed himself, and was able to say TeeHee at the end. But while I was directing and filming it, I didn't say anything.
