Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Auntie Vera is coming!

I'm so excited! Next weekend, my Auntie Vera will be coming because she has an interpreters convention thing with my dad. I'm really hoping to get to see her and spend time with her. She will get to see my apartment :D I hope that Auntie Georgina can come soon so she can see my apartment. I think she is coming in December. Yipee! Sorry I haven't been posting on my blog that much, I've been really busy with school because I want to spend my time reading and studying. But on weekends I try to post but we end up doing family stuff or visiting my Grandma. At 12:30 my friend will be coming over so I will check you comments tomorrow.
I'm looking forward to see you Auntie Vera! (I miss Ailin)


  1. Yeah, it will be fun having Auntie Vera. We are all looking forward to it.

  2. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUNTIE VERA in only 5 days! You are a lucky gal!!! I can't wait to see you in December! I want a tour of your you of course! And I want us to read our little pink book together! I love you and TOTALLY ENJOY AUNTIE VERA IN LESS THAN A WEEK YOU LUCKY SLICK:)

  3. I always enjoy so much reading all that you post in The Wonders, very interesting and I can follow what you're doing. Love you much and hope to see you soon.
